Wednesday 31 March 2010

Localisation and Translation for Software

What has this to do with training? Everything. People have to learn a new way of working AND from experience either training, tech. authoring or both usually get the job to do in the first instance - the rationale being that it's all to do with words. Ho hum.

There's usually a time in the life of a software product when it needs to be tailored and translated for overseas markets. At this point in time, companies tend to go through the same steps under the pretext of saving cost and getting product out into a different territory quickly. These are:

1. Get the text to be translated into a set of files that can be sent to the translators.
2. Find a cheap translator (usually somebody's relative who happens to have studied the language at school in the dim and distant).
3. Get the files back and stitch them into the product flow.
4. Release to the world and give yourself a pat on the back.
5. Wonder why users are conplaining.

This is an expensive and qualify-free way to get the job done.

In this and subsequent blogs I'll cover a better, formal approach in the shape of a simple project lifecycle. This covers:

1. Get your act together. Things to consider before you even start.
2. Sourcing the right provider for translation services.
3. Getting your team's knowledge up to speed so that the know why you are doing what you are doing.
4. Pre-processing the content to be translated and creating a bill of materials for it.
5. Getting the translation done and monitoring progress / quality along the way.
6. Post-processing the content back into its proper form.
7. Testing and correction.
8. Release.
9. Happy customers.

Getting your act together
Before you even start, consider the following:

Graphical User Interface (GUI)
This is usually made up of a number of different file formats. Make sure you know what they are (.res, html, xml, dhtml.... etc). Once you have the list make sure you know who is responsible for which part and find out the following:

  • Is the text easily extractable? A process will need to be developed to make sure this is a simple and repeatable process, under source control.
  • Are any icons / graphics used acceptable in other countries? You will need to ask your colleagues in-territory to help you answer this question. Alternatively your chosen translator / agency (when you get to that step) will advise. Avoid using text elements in graphics wherever possible - graphics work for localisation is expensive.
  • Are field display lengths variable? There has to be enough room for longer text, particularly German and French to name but two languages that translate a lot longer than English.
  • Is there any hard-coded text in the product that doesn't get extracted? If there is, this needs to be reengineered so that it follows the same process.
  • Are there any variables in the product (values that call from a list of options such as months or days, depending on the message) and can these be transposed in the text string during translation without causing an error? Each language will have a different grammatical context and it's important that this is respected. Again, reengineering may be required by the developer.
  • Can languages be built in independently, rather than everything being required for a single language release? it's better for you if you can release language modules as add-ons with their own release lifecycle. Well run localisation projects usually have a home language release followed by one or more language releases.
  • Has the interface been subject to a full English review by a Technical Author or other individual skilled in use of English? (As opposed to a developer - sorry if I insult any techies out there).
  • Is there a way to give translators access to the source language version of the product, and identifying which files sent for translation relate to which screens? This will make sure they get the context right most of the time.
  • Do you have the language versions of your operating system available so that you can load and test the behaviour of the localised version once it has been completed? Even if you don't speak/read the language this helps you pick up anomolies where stray source language strings appear or field lengths crop the translated version.

Why bother?

Addressing these issues before you start will stop a number of problems, including:

  • Keeping track of multiple files - knowing what stage in the process each is at and who to see if there are problems.
  • Not seeing source language words and phrases pop-up in a translated version due to hard-coding,
  • Avoiding variable details appearing at the wrong point in a sentence due to immutable positioning.
  • Developers lack of understanding about the requirements for localisation (the pain will be so great during reengineering that the knowledge will be permanently etched on their memory).
  • Having to hold up release of the source language product, pending resolution of language issues.
  • Dealing with lots of queries from nn x translators who just don't understand the context or meaning of text supplied.
  • making sure the end result doesn't look cobbled together.
  • Receiving higher than necessary charges for the translation work - this is charged by the word. If you can keep text down to a minimum through the use of standard key phrases, field names etc. you will reduce your costs significantly.
Write up clear, concise procedures
Once you have a level playing field to launch your venture into localisation projects, write the steps down and train all concerned in what their role is in the process. It's good to build in some KPIs along the way to keep everyone informed.

Until you act on these key elements DON'T DO IT!

The next post (after 19th April 2010 when I get back from France) will cover dealing with supporting documents, help and training materials.

in the meantime these sites might help you:

Thursday 18 February 2010

Don't forget it's about people

I've been attending a LOT of webinars this year. Every time I get a change.

I usually want to learn about the topic of course, but I also want to learn from others in terms of how they present.

Something that has come up again and again is the impersonal nature of many of these events. Death by Powerpoint is being replaced: it's now Death by Webinar:-(

So, here are my thoughts on what makes a Webinar great, rather than just good - and what all too often make the events oh so disappointing and leave you talking to yourself.

The Great list
  1. Make each individual feel like you are talking just to them. Use your tone and language as if you were sharing a secret with a friend (don't whisper though), keep it conversational.
  2. SMILE. Nod, use your notmal body responses and do all the things you would in a face-to-face conversation. Credibility is everything and these small gestures have a big impact.
  3. Don't read from the slides! Instead, make sure your media has graphics and punch bullets then use your voice to get the message home.
  4. Make sure your audience knows how to use the interactive features of the session and have someone to act as a news feed on questions, comments etc. to show you are picking them up and dealing with them.
  5. Practice, practice, practice. If you read from a script it sounds wrong. If you don't know your way around the material it sounds wrong. If you don't know how to use the technical bells and whistles you look stupid and your audience will drop out one by one. Remember: What, Why, When, How. Record yourself and play it back until you get it right - then get a second opinion and practice again.

The Talking to yourself list

  1. Like a website (or a band performance) your event has to be sticky. If you are boring and don't sound interested yourself then there is NO stickiness. If your material is ill prepared and static, guess what: NO stickiness.
  2. Everybody hates a show off. Don't overload on the bells and whistles. You've all seen the websites with every flash option under the sun and a colour scheme that sends you screaming from the screen. Same rules apply. Keep it nice, clean and clear.
  3. Me, me, me. Wrong. It's all about your audience side What's In It For Me - centre on your audience not yourself.
  4. If you use webcam - look good. Put on some make-up (yes, you men as well). Nobody would go on TV without a makeover and webcams are no different. Lighting can make you look like you have just been dug up out of the ground or are about to be plugged into the ground, it's unforgiving and there are NO exceptions. (And, make sure your headset is up to it - splash out).
  5. Rambling on. Yes, I know I said don't read from a script - but don't wing it either. Know what you have to say and put it across in an entertaining way with some (acceptable) humour and enthusiasm.

Friday 15 January 2010

Don't forget the team

Training Busy Distributed Teams
There is no longer a real tick list for a given job role in most companies. Everyone I know has a set of different hats to choose from, depending on the job in hand - one minute you're sitting in a meeting with customers passing on commercial or technical knowledge, the next your writing a procedure, a project plan or thinking about new product ideas. The list goes on.

Added to this teams are spread across the continents and rarely meet up.

People don't have much time to specialise: but still need the depth of knowledge. Quite the conundrum.

New technologies come to the rescue in terms of making sure everyone has access to the resources and knowledge they need, when they need it, without committing days of effort to raise their game.

There's a lot you can do inhouse:
  1. On-demand expert advice via teleconferencing and interactive web sessions. (You need a good handle on who knows what for this so you can publish a list of 'gurus'.
  2. A well structured extranet and knowledge base, sharing best practice and key information.
  3. Structured e-learning available 24/7.
  4. Make good use of social networking to keep everybody in touch for informal sharing, asking for advice.

and a lot of help externally. We have, for example, all of our customer service team undertaking NVQs at various levels via web based learning with half hour tutor backup for only 30 minutes every 2 weeks - no big hit in the day.

Next on the list: we are starting to learn about m-learning - Flash training direct to mobile devices.

Customers First
My role as Training Manager with Minorplanet Systems plc involves delivering the best possible training service to our customers for our web based fleet vehicle tracking and management system, VMIgreenlight.

The system is modular and can be used quite simply to track the current positions of fleet vehicles at any point in time, through to carrying out of indepth analysis and reporting of fleet utilisation, fuel usage, driver behaviour, CO2 emmissions..... In addition customer can keep servicing and maintenance records with timely alerting and use a variety of sensor add-ons to let them know what is happening with their fleet.

Training, up until 14 months ago, was delivered on-site. Given a basic training time of no more than 1.5 hours for most customers the cost of this was disproportionate in terms of travel time and associated expenses. A trainer might driver for 2-3 hours to deliver a session and then the same to get home: 1 day to deliver 1.5 hours of training.

With Webex Training Centre up to 4 sessions can be delivered in a day by one trainer - a vast improvement. We have a clear responsibility, as the owners of a vehicle fleet ourselves, to think about environmental issues in all that we do - and interactive online training ensures that we have not just reduced, but have completely removed a huge chunk of carbon emmissions spend from our operation.

So, that's how it benefits the business - what does it do for the learners? Here there are lots of benefits. The main ones are listed below.
  1. Users can book training in at a time to suit themselves. If their quiet period is after 4.30pm, that's when we deliver training.
  2. Training can be chunked to as little as 30 minute slots to fit in with a busy day - and to allow learners to absorb information in bite-sized chunks instead of having them 'cram' in a one shot session.

  3. Sessions can be recorded, and a link sent to the learners, so that they can recap at any time.

  4. The recordings can be used to assess trainer competency and ensure that any delivery style issues are addressed to continuously improve the standard of training.

  5. Customers know that they can contact us at any time to recap online if they have questions.

  6. If learners are based in different locations, they can still join the same session direct from their desktop, without the need for travel by anyone.

This is all backed up by full online help and e-learning lessons using flash demonstrations and example procedures.

We have just started to offer customers 'follow' links for social networking as well - so that they can keep in touch with us and each other informally to share thoughts, ideas and tips.

And the good news is: this is all available on the web with minimal expense to the business and therefore our customers. Win-win!

How things change

Up until 18 months ago the delivery of training hadn't changed much since I started my career (1979 .... aagghh.). Then technology tools came into their own.

During the recent past I've been able to investigate and take advantage of a raft of new delivery methods: e-learning for self-service learners, interactive web training, webinars... and now social networking: quick informative tweets, LinkedIn knowledge sharing, Facebook, MSN, Skype... all have a part to play.

It used to be that you sat down with a learner and planned a set of classroom sessions backed up by a personal development plan which was then reviewed to drive the next stage. This was in part learner centred but very much driven by the content the trainer put together.

Nowadays the learner is firmly in control, asking questions and filling random knowledge gaps in 10 second bites.

How do you keep track of all of this? How do you know what people are learning when knowledge sources are so widely spread and, well, so uncontrolled?

The answer strictly speaking is that really you can't. If you tried you would burn out before even starting. This causes a lot of headaches and, quite frankly, a lot of fear on the part of the training professional - it's hard to give up control. A new attitude is required if you are to be of any use to learners at all. What is this new attitude?

  • Read up on Zen. Go with the flow and keep calm.
  • Dump the ego. The learner is in charge and you are there to satisfy their needs. If you are egocentric and arrogant about your 'superior' knowledge nobody will come to you.
  • Market yourself through words and deeds as a dependable source of help and advice - learn to coach and guide on demand whether it's face-to-face, via electronic means or by example.
  • Learn the new tools of the trade and use them yourself: go to every webinar you can, join the mail lists and get involved in the online community AS A LEARNER.

How does this pan out? More later.